Monday, 24 January 2011

Making Money Your

You're probably reading this on junk. And I'm not talking about newsprint - industry woes aside, that's high-quality stuff. But if you're on a computer or an iPad, and you're not plugged into an Internet jack in the wall? Junk, then.

But it's not your MacBook or your tablet that's so crummy. It's the spectrum it's using.

Spectrum, in the words of FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, is the economy's "invisible infrastructure." It's the interstate system for information that travels wirelessly. It's how you get radio in your car, service on your cellphone and satellite to your television. It's also how you get WiFi.

But not all spectrum is created equal. "Beachfront spectrum" is like a well-paved road. Lots of information can travel long distances on it without losing much data. But not all spectrum is so valuable.

In 1985, there was a slice of spectrum that was too crummy for anyone to want. It was so weak that the radiation that microwaves emit could mess with it. So the government released it to the public. As long as whatever you were doing didn't interfere with what anyone else was doing, you could build on that spectrum. That's how we got garage-door openers and cordless phones. Because the information didn't have to travel far, the junk spectrum was good enough. Later on, that same section of junk spectrum became the home for WiFi - a crucial, multibillion-dollar industry. A platform for massive technological innovation. A huge increase in quality of life.

There's a lesson in that: Spectrum is really, really important. And not always in ways that we can predict in advance. Making sure that spectrum is used well is no less important than making sure our highways are used well: If the Beltway were reserved for horses, Washington would not be a very good place to do business.

But our spectrum is not being used well. It's the classic innovator's quandary: We made good decisions many years ago, but those good decisions created powerful incumbents, and in order to make good decisions now, we must somehow unseat the incumbents.

Today, much of the best spectrum is allocated to broadcast television. Decades ago, when 90 percent of Americans received their programming this way, that made sense. Today, when fewer than 10 percent of Americans do, it doesn't.

Meanwhile, mobile broadband is quite clearly the platform of the future - or at least the near future. But we don't have nearly enough spectrum allocated for its use. Unless that changes, the technology will be unable to progress, as more advanced uses will require more bandwidth, or it will have to be rationed, perhaps through extremely high prices that make sure most people can't use it.

The FCC could just yank the spectrum from the channels and hand it to the mobile industry. But it won't. It fears lawsuits and angry calls from lawmakers. And temperamentally, Genachowski himself is a consensus-builder rather than a steamroller.

Instead, the hope is that current owners of spectrum will give it up voluntarily. In exchange, they'd get big sacks of money. If a slice of spectrum is worth billions of dollars to Verizon but only a couple of million to a few aging TV stations - TV stations that have other ways to reach most of those customers - then there should be enough money in this transaction to leave everyone happy.

At least, that's some people's hope. Some advocates want that spectrum - or at least a substantial portion of it - left unlicensed. Rather than using telecom corporations such as Verizon to buy off the current owners of the spectrum, they'd like to see the federal government take some of that spectrum back and preserve it as a public resource for the sort of innovation we can't yet imagine and that the big corporations aren't likely to pioneer - the same as happened with WiFi. But as of yet, that's not the FCC's vision for this. Officials are more worried about the mobile broadband market. They argue (accurately) that they've already made more beachfront spectrum available for unlicensed uses. And although they don't say this clearly, auctioning spectrum to large corporations gives them the money to pay off the current owners. But even so, they can't do that.

"Imagine someone was given property on Fifth Avenue 50 years ago, but they don't use it and can't sell it," says Tim Wu, a law professor at Harvard and author of "The Master Switch." That's the situation that's arisen in the spectrum universe. It's not legal for the FCC to run auctions and hand over some of the proceeds to the old owners. That means the people sitting on the spectrum have little incentive to give it up. For that to change, the FCC needs Congress to pass a law empowering it to compensate current holders of spectrum with proceeds from the sale.

One way - the slightly demagogic way - to underscore the urgency here is to invoke China: Do you think it's letting its information infrastructure stagnate because it's a bureaucratic hassle to get the permits shifted? I rather doubt it.

Of course, we don't want the Chinese system. Democracy is worth some red tape. But if we're going to keep a good political system from becoming an economic handicap, there are going to be a lot of decisions like this one that need to be made. Decisions where we know what we need to do to move the economy forward, but where it's easier to do nothing because there are powerful interests attached to old habits. The problem with having a really good 20th century, as America did, is that you've built up a lot of infrastructure and made a lot of decisions that benefit the industries and innovators of the 20th century. But now we're in the 21st century, and junk won't cut it anymore.

In an interview, a former credit card thief talks about some of the scams he used to run on unwary consumers. It's got some good takeaways for protecting yourself, like the one where you make up fake answers to security questions. With all the info that can be found online now some of these security questions aren't that hard to figure out. So instead of putting down the real answer to "What's your mother's maiden name?" put down "unicorn princess."

Secrets of a Former Credit Card Thief [Yahoo] (Thanks to Newdreams!)

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The Palestinian/ Israeli conflict and the fragile Peace Process is now back on the priority list of.

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Darren Lewis is back with the best round-up of transfer news and gossip on the web.

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The Palestinian/ Israeli conflict and the fragile Peace Process is now back on the priority list of.

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Darren Lewis is back with the best round-up of transfer news and gossip on the web.

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Right Wing News is the best source on the net for conservative news, views, & interviews.

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The Palestinian/ Israeli conflict and the fragile Peace Process is now back on the priority list of.

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Darren Lewis is back with the best round-up of transfer news and gossip on the web.

Interviewing Thomas Sowell On Basic Economics | Right Wing <b>News</b>

Right Wing News is the best source on the net for conservative news, views, & interviews.

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The Palestinian/ Israeli conflict and the fragile Peace Process is now back on the priority list of.

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Latest on Liverpool&#39;s chase for <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with the best round-up of transfer news and gossip on the web.

Interviewing Thomas Sowell On Basic Economics | Right Wing <b>News</b>

Right Wing News is the best source on the net for conservative news, views, & interviews.

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The Palestinian/ Israeli conflict and the fragile Peace Process is now back on the priority list of.

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Latest on Liverpool&#39;s chase for <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with the best round-up of transfer news and gossip on the web.

Interviewing Thomas Sowell On Basic Economics | Right Wing <b>News</b>

Right Wing News is the best source on the net for conservative news, views, & interviews.

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The Palestinian/ Israeli conflict and the fragile Peace Process is now back on the priority list of.

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Latest on Liverpool&#39;s chase for <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with the best round-up of transfer news and gossip on the web.

Interviewing Thomas Sowell On Basic Economics | Right Wing <b>News</b>

Right Wing News is the best source on the net for conservative news, views, & interviews.

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The Palestinian/ Israeli conflict and the fragile Peace Process is now back on the priority list of.

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Latest on Liverpool&#39;s chase for <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with the best round-up of transfer news and gossip on the web.

Interviewing Thomas Sowell On Basic Economics | Right Wing <b>News</b>

Right Wing News is the best source on the net for conservative news, views, & interviews.

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The Palestinian/ Israeli conflict and the fragile Peace Process is now back on the priority list of.

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Latest on Liverpool&#39;s chase for <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with the best round-up of transfer news and gossip on the web.

Interviewing Thomas Sowell On Basic Economics | Right Wing <b>News</b>

Right Wing News is the best source on the net for conservative news, views, & interviews.

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Mideast Peace As Seen on TV « Liveshots

The Palestinian/ Israeli conflict and the fragile Peace Process is now back on the priority list of.

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Latest on Liverpool&#39;s chase for <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with the best round-up of transfer news and gossip on the web.

Interviewing Thomas Sowell On Basic Economics | Right Wing <b>News</b>

Right Wing News is the best source on the net for conservative news, views, & interviews.

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Mideast Peace As Seen on TV « Liveshots

The Palestinian/ Israeli conflict and the fragile Peace Process is now back on the priority list of.

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Latest on Liverpool&#39;s chase for <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with the best round-up of transfer news and gossip on the web.

Interviewing Thomas Sowell On Basic Economics | Right Wing <b>News</b>

Right Wing News is the best source on the net for conservative news, views, & interviews.

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Mideast Peace As Seen on TV « Liveshots

The Palestinian/ Israeli conflict and the fragile Peace Process is now back on the priority list of.

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Latest on Liverpool&#39;s chase for <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with the best round-up of transfer news and gossip on the web.

Interviewing Thomas Sowell On Basic Economics | Right Wing <b>News</b>

Right Wing News is the best source on the net for conservative news, views, & interviews.

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Mideast Peace As Seen on TV « Liveshots

The Palestinian/ Israeli conflict and the fragile Peace Process is now back on the priority list of.

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Latest on Liverpool&#39;s chase for <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with the best round-up of transfer news and gossip on the web.

Interviewing Thomas Sowell On Basic Economics | Right Wing <b>News</b>

Right Wing News is the best source on the net for conservative news, views, & interviews.

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Mideast Peace As Seen on TV « Liveshots

The Palestinian/ Israeli conflict and the fragile Peace Process is now back on the priority list of.

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Latest on Liverpool&#39;s chase for <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with the best round-up of transfer news and gossip on the web.

Interviewing Thomas Sowell On Basic Economics | Right Wing <b>News</b>

Right Wing News is the best source on the net for conservative news, views, & interviews.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

why internet marketing

When I went into marketing/communications in the 80’s, things were simpler. I spoke 5 languages, which pushed me into this field. What else could I do, be a translator? Not on your life. Not when I could be creative, come up with quantitative studies and research why / how people buy.

It seemed simple, right? You have a product and you have to figure out a way to sell said product. You had magazine ad space, TV commercials, newspapers… every day, everywhere you looked, you’d see some form of advertisement. Eventually, we became desensitized to print and TV marketing – the traditional ways.

The Internet wasn’t used as it is today (although it still had some traction). The World Wide Web was the Wild Wild West. It was a “small” little marketplace, with a minor audience for client product promotion.

And Then Internet Entered the Scene… Fast Forward in Time

Advertising is more sophisticated now… but then, so are consumers. Way back when, we could survey the consumer, create charts, crunch numbers… it was all about data. Anymore, however, you have to understand consumer psychology.

Marketing has gone holistic. Yes, quantitative and qualitative data is still important, but we’re not looking at real numbers anymore. We’re looking at the consumers themselves.

What makes buyers buy? Is it the way a site looks? Does having the sidebar on the left gain a greater response than having the sidebar on the right? Are blue links more “clickable” then, say, green ones? Is “buy” more active than “act”?

What Are the Click Triggers?

With all the Google changes lately, you really have to pay more attention to your site. Of course, if you’re a regular reader, you know I push site attention anyway, no matter what Google’s doing. However, with all the vertical marketing possibilities, you want to make sure you get all the bang for your buck you can from any top listing you get.

So you study the click triggers – those beautiful little differences that cause people to click through: through to your website, through to your buy page, through to your “thank you”. It’s a step-by-step process, and you have to guide them every step of the way.

Ask yourself:

  • Is my content sticky? Does it have good information worth reading?

  • Are my headlines well written? Do they grab readers’ attentions?

  • Do I let others (those who will tell me the truth) read my content before I put it up? Do they like it? Do I listen when they offer suggestions?

  • Is it easy to navigate through my site? Does my site create a pleasant user experience?

Are You Ignoring the Individual?

This is the most serious question, and you need to really give it some thought. If your content completely targets consumers (i.e. all product/service focused) rather than having helpful bits of information, you could be losing out.

You can’t appeal to everyone; not everyone is your target market. You don’t want to get so busy trying to reach everyone that you miss those who might convert. Build your site, images, writing, etc within the context of your specific target, and then experiment.


Yes, experiment. Human behavior and relevance is a beautiful thing. Being able to associate one with the other will have half your online battle won. However, you can’t just pull knowledge out of the air. You have to be willing to experiment – to test. Plenty of tools are readily available for just this purpose, such as…

Google Website Optimizer

A/B testing is in; guessing is out. If you think you might know why a page isn’t converting, that’s all well and good. However, there’s a difference between thinking you know, and really knowing. With a little A/B testing, you can find out what areas really are the problem and fix them.


Take a screen shot of your page and put it up on Usabilla. Let people know what questions you want them to answer and then send out the link. This little goodie can give you some very valuable insights in terms of layout and design.


Very nice, very short survey. You can find out why people came to your site, whether they found what they wanted (giving you visitor satisfaction ratings) and get suggestions from them, all in the same program. Again, this is a very useful goodie.

The three above are just a few. There are, literally, tons of usability testing tools out there. Many are free; some cost, but are worth it.

You’re not going to get through today’s marketing world by guessing. You’re not going to make it with traditional marketing tools. You have to be willing to use everything at your disposal; you have to be willing to expand.

What changes have you made to keep up with online marketing and technology?

Post image via BDoughertyAmSchool

Over the holidays, I had some time to really dive into the LinkedIn B2B LeadGen Roundtable discussions. One started by Ann Thornley-Brown, President & CEO, Executive Oasis International, Toronto, caught my attention. She started the discussion in August, yet members continue to provide feedback.

Ann wanted to know how happy the group was with the lead generation results of their social media campaigns. “Are your efforts on LinkedIn and Twitter paying off?” she queried. “How many leads have you generated? How many specific pieces of business have you picked up? I know a lot of bright people who are really active on these sites and very few are seeing results. How about you?”

Her question, and too many of her 30-plus responses, illustrated the disconnection between the expectations of marketers who are out on the frontlines every day and marketing gurus proclaiming the wonders of social media. After all, if you Google ”Top 10 B2B Trends in 2011” you’ll see social media listed on every one of them.

Then why, if Ann’s discussion is any indication, are so many marketers dissatisfied with the results they’re getting from it?

I took this question to Sergio Balegno, Director of Research for company of InTouch. He authors MarketingSherpa’s Social Media & PR Benchmark Guides, is considered a foremost authority on social media strategy, is quoted by the media extensively and presents at institutions likeHarvard.

He’s also been in marketing for more than three decades, well before the internet was even on the scene. This gives him some not-so-typical long-term perspective in a world that demands instant gratification.

If anyone could provide insight to why this is going on, it’s Sergio. Here’s his take:

“I had a B2B communications firm from the mid-80s to 2000. When we got into the ‘90s we started hearing about the World Wide Web. I brought the concept to our customers: some adopted it very quickly the other half shrugged it off as a passing fad.

“Of course, today, the web is considered traditional media and social media is now that new ‘fad.’ The same thing is happening all over again, except at a much faster pace.

“You see, you have to look at the history of social media, it’s really short. Our first benchmark guide was published in 2009, which analyzed the use of social media in 2008. It was at the ‘all-hype’ stage then: there were no clear objectives or best practices beyond the soft objectives of building customer awareness. There weren’t the hard-and-fast lead generation and sales conversations that will be featured in our 2011 report, which I’m working on right now.

“What does surprise me is that of the 2,300 marketers we surveyed at the end of 2010, six percent - 138 - already felt they were producing measurable ROI. In just a couple of years, social media has rocketed to a place that took the internet a good decade to arrive at.

“A big part of the 2011 Social Marketing Benchmark Report will look at the monetization of social media. A solid quarter of marketers are at the mature, strategic stage of social media marketing. They have clear objectives and practices. Now they’re trying to go back to the budgeting committee to prove that it’s producing revenue.

“That’s where they’re stuck.They can’t get a grasp on how many leads social media is generating.

“A big section of the study is going to be about software and tools that can track someone from when they become a member of a social network to when they download a whitepaper and become a part of a standard CRM system.

“Essentially, we’re at critical mass: marketers need to prove social media’s value, and there is a need for CRM tools that can track that. Mzinga is one company leading the way with its
OmniSocial platform, the study will review more.”

Considering Sergio’s response, marketers are expecting way too much too soon. Paradoxically, this in itself demonstrates the remarkable speed at which social media is being integrated into marketing initiatives.

We can’t yet calculate with the most exacting precision how many leads are generated from social media, but considering how quickly technology is evolving, the ability to do so will be here in no time. I expect if Ann poses her question again at the end of 2012, her responses will be far different.

What do you think?

Finally, Sergio gave me some penetrating insight at the end of our conversation: “After 30 years in marketing, I thought I had seen all of the changes that could possibly take place, and then social media changed everything again. Our brand is no longer what we say it is, it’s what our customers say it is.”

If you want to hear more from Sergio, be sure to sign up for MarketingSherpa's brand new Inbound Marketing Newsletter, which will announce when the 2011 Social Marketing Benchmark guide is released. The newsletter is published bi-weekly and explores the power of new marketing tools, including social media, to attract customers without advertising. Click here to see the inaugural edition. Click here to subscribe.

Originally published on the B2B Lead Generation Blog


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Friday, 14 January 2011

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Similarly, if part of the argument was over a bank account, Legal Aid will want repaying if there is a successful outcome with a value over £5,000. Let me give you a scenario. A couple are getting divorced and they are arguing over who owns the £50,000 in a bank account. The funded party claims that 50% of the money is theirs and the non-funded party is claiming that all the money belongs to them. The matter goes to court and the court decides that the money should be split 50/50 and awards £25,000 to the funded person. The bill for arguing litigation was £10,000.

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The board would want £10,000 of the £25,000.00 that was awarded leaving the legal aided person with only £15,000 out of the £25,000. Ouch! With regards to the exemption, if the amount that was being argued over was £10,000 and the award was 50/50 then half of £10,000.00 being argued over (assuming 50/50) is £5,000.00. There is a £5,000.00 exemption ring fenced and therefore the board would get nothing.

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Thursday, 13 January 2011

Making Money Online With

The Middle East’s largest online auction and buying site has decided auctions are so last decade.

From the beginning of 2011 sellers won’t get the option to sell their products in an auction. It’s fixed price, or none at all.

The decision comes as a shock to many as, which opened its doors to the public in 2005 and has since launched in 5 countries in the region, has always been portrayed as the eBay of the Middle East. At least in terms of online auctions, not anymore.

“We (and most of our sellers) want to offer the best online shopping experience to users in the region, and this is one step along the way to support this goal.” said CEO and Founder of Ronaldo Mouchawar in an email about the recent shift.

This change, as most in life, will have its supporters and detractors. The good thing is, it looks like a only slim minority might end up annoyed.

To illustrate the above, lets say you’re a painter and you work from home during your spare time. I’m one of those who believe art has no price, but since it’s good to have paint to create priceless masterpieces, putting the occasional price tag on your work isn’t entirely evil. The only problem with that is how do you put a price tag on art in the first place? Van Gough considered giving money for art is as important as being an artist yourself. That’s where auctions come in strong.

By putting up a painting to sell through an auction, the seller allows the highest bidder to give her as much it takes to win the auction, or otherwise ask to ‘Buy Now’ according to a price the seller sets. Will this shift be good for those who realistically don’t know how much their work is worth? I would say no.

On the flip-side regional retail stores tend to invest large amounts of money to put their products online on their own, and usually fail miserably. Many factors come into play, but the most obvious are a large user base and an easy to use website to buy from.

This encouraged to build a platform for merchants and retail stores to offer their products on Souq through fixed prices (almost all the time), and through Souq Stores which are customizable online outlets for retailers such as UAE’s 

My guest on Hedge Fund Radio this week is penny stock trader and Internet entrepreneur, Tim Sykes. Every once in a while I run into a natural born trader, someone who crawls out of the crib quoting options spreads, price earnings multiples, and book values. His first spoken word was “Sell!” While other kids were practicing their ABC’s, Tim was pouring through prospectii.

During his college years, Tim skipped classes and turned a $12,415 Bar Mitzvah gift into $1.65 million by trading the market from his dorm room. By the time he graduated from Tulane in 2003, he was already running his own hedge fund. Barclays Bank rated it the number one short bias fund during 2003-2006.

Tim argues that if you cut through all the hype and manipulation in the penny stock market, it is clear that there are huge opportunities on the short side. Most of the companies trading there are frauds, and most will fail. Mini Enron’s and mini Madoff’s abound.

Defined as trading under $5 a share, these stocks are purchased mostly by individuals desperate for “get rich quick” success. Promoters buy lists of email addresses from major online publishers, sometimes paying millions of dollars, to launch a never ending onslaught of “pump and dump” schemes. Email barrages and Twitter spam have replaced the dinnertime telemarketing calls and junk mail of yore.

The SEC is so inundated with tips on Madoff copycats and competitors ratting out each other, they don’t have time to pursue gripes about $1,000 losses emanating from penny stock scams. It’s like expecting the FBI to pursue shoplifters of 99 cent items from Seven Eleven stores.

Some of the claims made by these bogus IPO’s boggle the imagination. Tim’s favorite was one company’s efforts to promote vitamins infused with stem cells. Another offered a solar spray that turned you house into an energy source. Then there was the BP Gulf oil spill that threw up innumerable crude eating forms of algae. As for my own experience, I’ll never forget the aquaculture farm in the middle of the Saudi Arabian desert. To separate out the obvious rip offs from the legitimate companies, Tim spends hours a day gleaning through voluminous SEC filings, some of which are blatant cut and paste jobs from earlier failed floatations.

Even though most of these companies are fake, prices can run away to the upside, wiping out the early short sellers. So some risk control discipline is required. When a stock truly rockets, “buy-ins” of shorts can also be a problem. A few hundred penny stocks are launched each year, but only about five a month catch on fire. And remember, Apple (AAPL), and True Religion (TRLG) jeans were once penny stocks.

To avoid being taken to the cleaners by unscrupulous con men, Tim offers some very basic advice. If it is too good to be true, it generally is. It also helps to read the SEC filings, which can be obtained online for free.

Tim claims to have a success rate with his short strategy of 75%, which has delivered a 56% return in 2010, proving he still has the golden touch. His problem is that the strategy is not scalable, and can only be executed with a small amount of money. No mega hedge fund for him.

That’s why Tim has turned to online education instead of ramping up a big hedge fund. Today, he is offering several subscription newsletters, trade alerts, chat rooms, along with a DVD course on making money in the penny stock market at his website at . 

To listen to my highly informative and entertaining interview with Time Sykes on Hedge Fund Radio, please click here at .

To see the data, charts, and graphs that support this research piece, as well as more iconoclastic and out-of-consensus analysis, please visit me at . There, you will find the conventional wisdom mercilessly flailed and tortured daily, and my last two years of research reports available for free. You can also listen to me on Hedge Fund Radio by clicking on “This Week on Hedge Fund Radio” in the upper right corner of my home page.

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<b>News</b> Story Details

... McMurry, Schreiner, Sul Ross , Texas Lutheran, and HSU. The winner of the East Division is LeTourneau University of Longview, Texas. For more information, go to: ...

Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

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The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

<b>News</b> Story Details

... McMurry, Schreiner, Sul Ross , Texas Lutheran, and HSU. The winner of the East Division is LeTourneau University of Longview, Texas. For more information, go to: ...

Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

BillBoard - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

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<b>News</b> Story Details

... McMurry, Schreiner, Sul Ross , Texas Lutheran, and HSU. The winner of the East Division is LeTourneau University of Longview, Texas. For more information, go to: ...

Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

BillBoard - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

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<b>News</b> Story Details

... McMurry, Schreiner, Sul Ross , Texas Lutheran, and HSU. The winner of the East Division is LeTourneau University of Longview, Texas. For more information, go to: ...

Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

BillBoard - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

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<b>News</b> Story Details

... McMurry, Schreiner, Sul Ross , Texas Lutheran, and HSU. The winner of the East Division is LeTourneau University of Longview, Texas. For more information, go to: ...

Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

BillBoard - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

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<b>News</b> Story Details

... McMurry, Schreiner, Sul Ross , Texas Lutheran, and HSU. The winner of the East Division is LeTourneau University of Longview, Texas. For more information, go to: ...

Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

BillBoard - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

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<b>News</b> Story Details

... McMurry, Schreiner, Sul Ross , Texas Lutheran, and HSU. The winner of the East Division is LeTourneau University of Longview, Texas. For more information, go to: ...

Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

BillBoard - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

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<b>News</b> Story Details

... McMurry, Schreiner, Sul Ross , Texas Lutheran, and HSU. The winner of the East Division is LeTourneau University of Longview, Texas. For more information, go to: ...

Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

BillBoard - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

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<b>News</b> Story Details

... McMurry, Schreiner, Sul Ross , Texas Lutheran, and HSU. The winner of the East Division is LeTourneau University of Longview, Texas. For more information, go to: ...

Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

BillBoard - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

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<b>News</b> Story Details

... McMurry, Schreiner, Sul Ross , Texas Lutheran, and HSU. The winner of the East Division is LeTourneau University of Longview, Texas. For more information, go to: ...

Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

BillBoard - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

<b>News</b> Story Details

... McMurry, Schreiner, Sul Ross , Texas Lutheran, and HSU. The winner of the East Division is LeTourneau University of Longview, Texas. For more information, go to: ...

Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

BillBoard - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

<b>News</b> Story Details

... McMurry, Schreiner, Sul Ross , Texas Lutheran, and HSU. The winner of the East Division is LeTourneau University of Longview, Texas. For more information, go to: ...

Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

BillBoard - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

<b>News</b> Story Details

... McMurry, Schreiner, Sul Ross , Texas Lutheran, and HSU. The winner of the East Division is LeTourneau University of Longview, Texas. For more information, go to: ...

Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

BillBoard - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

Monday, 10 January 2011

personal finance budgets

So thinking about starting 2011 with a new and fresh finance app for your new and fresh WP7 device?

You have the chance now! moBudget has just been released for Windows Phone 7.

moBudget is a user friendly budgeting and expense tracking application. It will help you drive and organize both your personal income and outcome budgeting. By doing so, moBudget will also hint you about possible budgeting and money saving opportunities. Its main screen features a summarized dashboard with a set of intelligent indicators which will tell you how you are doing depending on your budgets and on the current date.

Forget about grabbing a calculator each time you need to get any numbers or if worried about making it to the end of the month or not; moBudget will tell you all: what you have, what you will have, what you owe and more. It will either inform, alert or advice you when needed so you don’t need to worry.

By allowing stepping through months, allows you to whether look back to see how you did on previous months or how you will be doing in the upcoming months, so you can fine tune your budgets to the optimal.

Take it with you, record your data and you will see how money won’t cause you a headache anymore!

More after the break.

Key features

  • Today Hub featuring a main dashboard with intelligent indicators

  • Upcoming and overdue payments, incomes, bills

  • Color-based and snapshot styled budget bar graphs for easy reading

  • Easy and fast input for tracking either expenses, incomes or transfer between accounts

  • Budget adjustment helper

  • Actual balance and budget balance adhoc *

  • Accounts and credit cards usage recording *

  • Cash flow bar graphs and out of funds predictions *

  • Credit card payment estimations and warnings

  • Can create future operations and recurrent operations

  • Multi currency support

  • Easy month back and forth navigation

  • Account balances reconcilation

  • Password protection in two ways (partial and complete)

  • Encrypted backups

  • More…!

* Estimated. Does not pull your bank information, however you can sync balances up to a specific date and moBudget will estimate the current and future balance and cash flow according to the data you register day to day.


So give it a try! App has a 15 day free trial period and currently is at 50% sale for Christmas.

– or- direct download link for Zune.

Intuit-owned is heading to schools today with the launch of a free, online program designed to educate middle-school students about personal finance and financial management.

Mint has partnered with educational publisher Scholastic to develop materials that parents and teachers can use to teach children the ins and outs of personal finance management. The materials includes lesson plans as well as an interactive game, to teach children money management, budgeting and goals.

For example, the program teaches children the concept of compound interest with real-life math problems, and encourages children to set goals and budgets with their own current work opportunities (i.e. babysitting).

Mint says the curriculum will be expanded to 30,000 classrooms nationwide early next year. Considering the state of the economy and credit, teaching children financial literacy and sounds personal finance practices at an early edge is an incredibly important initiative. In terms of branding, this is a big win for Mint, which can start building awareness of its tools among students at an early age.

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

&#39;The Daily&#39; iPad <b>News</b> Publication to Debut January 19th - Mac Rumors

Last month, All Things Digital reported that News Corp.'s forthcoming tablet-focused news publication, The Daily, appeared likely to debut sometime the week of January 17th. Forbes has now confirme.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

&#39;The Daily&#39; iPad <b>News</b> Publication to Debut January 19th - Mac Rumors

Last month, All Things Digital reported that News Corp.'s forthcoming tablet-focused news publication, The Daily, appeared likely to debut sometime the week of January 17th. Forbes has now confirme.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

&#39;The Daily&#39; iPad <b>News</b> Publication to Debut January 19th - Mac Rumors

Last month, All Things Digital reported that News Corp.'s forthcoming tablet-focused news publication, The Daily, appeared likely to debut sometime the week of January 17th. Forbes has now confirme.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

&#39;The Daily&#39; iPad <b>News</b> Publication to Debut January 19th - Mac Rumors

Last month, All Things Digital reported that News Corp.'s forthcoming tablet-focused news publication, The Daily, appeared likely to debut sometime the week of January 17th. Forbes has now confirme.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

&#39;The Daily&#39; iPad <b>News</b> Publication to Debut January 19th - Mac Rumors

Last month, All Things Digital reported that News Corp.'s forthcoming tablet-focused news publication, The Daily, appeared likely to debut sometime the week of January 17th. Forbes has now confirme.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

&#39;The Daily&#39; iPad <b>News</b> Publication to Debut January 19th - Mac Rumors

Last month, All Things Digital reported that News Corp.'s forthcoming tablet-focused news publication, The Daily, appeared likely to debut sometime the week of January 17th. Forbes has now confirme.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

&#39;The Daily&#39; iPad <b>News</b> Publication to Debut January 19th - Mac Rumors

Last month, All Things Digital reported that News Corp.'s forthcoming tablet-focused news publication, The Daily, appeared likely to debut sometime the week of January 17th. Forbes has now confirme.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

&#39;The Daily&#39; iPad <b>News</b> Publication to Debut January 19th - Mac Rumors

Last month, All Things Digital reported that News Corp.'s forthcoming tablet-focused news publication, The Daily, appeared likely to debut sometime the week of January 17th. Forbes has now confirme.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

&#39;The Daily&#39; iPad <b>News</b> Publication to Debut January 19th - Mac Rumors

Last month, All Things Digital reported that News Corp.'s forthcoming tablet-focused news publication, The Daily, appeared likely to debut sometime the week of January 17th. Forbes has now confirme.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

&#39;The Daily&#39; iPad <b>News</b> Publication to Debut January 19th - Mac Rumors

Last month, All Things Digital reported that News Corp.'s forthcoming tablet-focused news publication, The Daily, appeared likely to debut sometime the week of January 17th. Forbes has now confirme.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

&#39;The Daily&#39; iPad <b>News</b> Publication to Debut January 19th - Mac Rumors

Last month, All Things Digital reported that News Corp.'s forthcoming tablet-focused news publication, The Daily, appeared likely to debut sometime the week of January 17th. Forbes has now confirme.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

&#39;The Daily&#39; iPad <b>News</b> Publication to Debut January 19th - Mac Rumors

Last month, All Things Digital reported that News Corp.'s forthcoming tablet-focused news publication, The Daily, appeared likely to debut sometime the week of January 17th. Forbes has now confirme.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

&#39;The Daily&#39; iPad <b>News</b> Publication to Debut January 19th - Mac Rumors

Last month, All Things Digital reported that News Corp.'s forthcoming tablet-focused news publication, The Daily, appeared likely to debut sometime the week of January 17th. Forbes has now confirme.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

&#39;The Daily&#39; iPad <b>News</b> Publication to Debut January 19th - Mac Rumors

Last month, All Things Digital reported that News Corp.'s forthcoming tablet-focused news publication, The Daily, appeared likely to debut sometime the week of January 17th. Forbes has now confirme.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Making Money Your

What made this project so successful? After all, there are other iPod Nano projects. And it's a wristwatch, which even with the addition of a Nano, might not be the coolest or most necessary of accessories.

Bryce Roberts, the Managing Director of O'Reilly AlphaTech Ventures, points to some reasons he's identified that contributed to the success of the Lunatik/TikTok fundraising endeavor. These lessons that can be seen in other successful Kickstarter projects (such as Diaspora), but they're also applicable in many ways to more "traditional" funding efforts.

Tell a personal story

The Lunatik/TikTok "pitch" wasn't a bulleted list of qualifications or clients. Rather, the members of the team "told personal stories that created a connection to the project that had nothing to do with their professional pedigree." While this sort of storytelling doesn't boost their professional credentials, Roberts argues, it does give the entrepreneurs a certain personal authority and helps to connect them to funders and potential funders in a different way.

Roberts argues that the best fundraising pitches always emphasize this personal aspect. "It's a given," he writes, "that if I chose to invest in you I believe I can make money, but there are the intangibles around personality, perspectives, and life experiences that will make a potential funder more likely to want to believe you."

Tell the product's story

If you watch the TikTok video (below), you'll see the product is featured throughout. This demonstrates what the product can do - and that it can do what the startup promises. The video also demonstrates the larger potential of the product. These might be "small, nice little features" that some investors would dismiss. But with the crowdfunding model, the right storytelling around this seems crucial. "The difference between a nano strapped to a wristband and a premium quality, highly designed, customizable piece of wearable technology is simply a matter of how you tell the story."

But even when you aren't using a site like Kickstarter to raise money, it's crucial that your product be front-and-center in your presentations.

Give rewards and issue progress reports

Investors, by definition, invest in order to make a financial return. Nonetheless, argues Roberts, you should offer more than simply the promise of "making money." These sorts of non-financial rewards can be personal and personalized. By design, Kickstarter tells its users, "the best way to inspire support is to offer people great rewards. Everyone loves limited editions, one-of-a-kinds, and fun experiences (parties, screenings, balloon rides!). Spend some time brainstorming your rewards and people will respond. No one needs another coffee mug."

And as your project and your company are constantly evolving, it's good to keep investors and potential investors up-to-date on your progress. In the case of TikTok, the creators even filmed themselves in China when they traveled to the factory where the watch kits were being made. But the same could be said for all funding relationships; keep your investors apprised of "how you're making progress and how your story is continuing to unfold in a big and important way."

If Pettitte does decide to retire, it's been rumored that the Yankees might make an aggressive pursuit for Soriano to create a lock-down bullpen, one that the Yankees haven't had since the days of Rivera and John Wetteland in 1996.

If the Yankees were to get Soriano, they would have to surrender a first-round draft pick to the Rays, but the Yankees also can be compensated with a draft pick due to Javier Vazquez signing with the Marlins.

As of right now, the Yankees don't have an imminent heir to Rivera's closer job if he retires anytime soon, and they don't have a main setup man after Kerry Wood turned down more money to return to the Cubs this winter.

The Yankees could consider Joba Chamberlain and David Robertson for the setup role, but both have had their struggles in the past, so Soriano would be an instant upgrade to the bullpen and a much better option to follow in Rivera's footsteps.

The White Sox are said to be interested in Soriano after letting Bobby Jenks go, and the Angels have expressed interest after losing out on Adrian Beltre and Carl Crawford this winter as well. But the Angels also signed Scott Downs to a three-year deal, plus already have Fernando Rodney as their current closer.

Although Soriano is a solid closer and could easily get a closing job this winter, he has said he would be a setup man for only one team, meaning the Yankees.

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Jane Krakowski Is Pregnant and More Celebrity <b>News</b>

Want to know what's going on with your favorite TV stars when the cameras aren't rolling? Check out the latest celebrity news from our friends.

Movie <b>News</b> Quick Hits: &#39;Black Swan&#39; Make-Up Tutorial, Eminem&#39;s <b>...</b>

Snow got you down? Recreate the Battle of Hoth on your front lawn. 'Exorcism of Emily Rose' director Scott Derrickson has been brought o.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Small Biz Funding Fundamentals

Will raising capital your small business be easier in 2011 than it was in 2010? Well, some sources say that funding may be loosening up but be assured that.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Making Money on Internet

well i don't have much thought provoking opinion in regards to any of those 5 subjects. except Øbomba is a liar and has no balls. now i am very confused what to think about JA. i just read a long article this morning on NYT about the accusations these swedish woman made in regards to him and having sex with him. i think they sound like tiger's dumb doo girls. they wanted it so bad from this julian man, probably secretly wanted to get pregnant. then twist the whole story and condemn him. i am just sick of all this shit being news anyway.

yeah, let's just all be really merry around here like WB7 is every day. winky faces galore and so happy holidays. jeeze get real, it ain't so happy for 99% of people on this earth. why are you pretending to be so above this blight of criminals, destroying every piece of earth, wildlife, ocean beings and people's lives and future, happy holly dazing. america showing all this fake shit like lights and cutting down evergreen trees and putting stupid fake ornaments and lights in each window. it is a BIG waste of energy, that gets EXCEL energy wealthy and those MOFO ceo's billions. christ someone here in boulder put up a HUGE light bulb star on flagstaff mt. it looks hideous. stars don't look like this, nor made of fake stupid incandescent light bulbs.

i don't celebrate christMASS, i get through it.

Business cycles and the essence of long-run economic growth are distinct issues. Preventing recessions is not the key to growth, as these are regrettable but unavoidable companions to an economy directed by a capital allocation process that is susceptible to systematic failure. Preventing the last failure is pretty irrelevant, because the next systematic failure will be different. Last I checked, only the US government is offering low-down payment loans, and no one offers no-documentation loans, so our government is not really helping here. As for creating growth via something new, if centralized governments could do that, the Soviet Union would still be around.

That decentralized, self-interested, people can collectively make such large errors seems irrational or corrupt to many, but they should remember that growing economies require people to be making things better, which means, new ways of doing things. New ideas are often wrong. Economics has gone onto intellectual cul-de-sacs many times (socialism, Keynesian macro models, input-output models, Hilbert spaces in finance, Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Kalman-filter macroeconomic models, etc.). Other scientific disciplines have their own mistakes, and political mistakes--stupid wars--are also common. These are rarely conspiracies, but rather, smart people making mistakes because the ideas that are true, important, and new, are really hard to discern, and tempting ones are alluring when lots of other seemingly successful people are doing it.

My Batesian Mimicry Theory posits that recessions happen because certain activities become full of mimics, entrepreneurs without any real alpha who got money from investors looking in their rear-view window of what worked and focusing on correlated but insufficient statistics. For example, people assumed a nationally diversified housing prices would not fall significantly in nominal terms, because they had not for generations; people assumed anything related to the internet would make them rich in the internet bubble, conglomerates would be robust to recession in 1970, that the 'nifty fifty' top US companies had Galbraithian power to withstand recessions in 1973, that cotton prices would not fall in 1837, etc.

As in ecological niches, there is no stable equilibrium with when mimics arise to gain the advantages of those with a real, unique and costly, comparative advantage. Every so often there are too many mimic Viceroy butterflies, not enough real poisonous Monarch ones, and a massive cataclysm occurs as predators ignore the unpleasant after-effects and start chomping on all of them. The Viceroy population grows until this devastating event occurs, a species recession. Next time, it won't happen in butterflies, but rather, among frogs or snakes. They key is, some ecological niche is always heading towards its own Mayan collapse (distinct from the 2012 Mayan apocolypse).

The key to wealth creation is doing less with more--destroying jobs at the micro level and creating jobs at the macro level by reallocating capital and labor to more valuable pursuits. The computer got rid of things from typesetters, secretaries, to engineers working with slide-rules, but these people didn't stay unemployed, they did something else, making the economic pie bigger. This is antithetical to government and unions who think creating a permanent 'job' creates productivity--stability at the micro level and stagnation at the macro level. Wealth is created by having decentralized decision-makers focused on simple goal of making money, which means, they oversee transactions where revenues collected are greater than expenses paid. If externalities are properly priced (I know, most liberal think this never happens), this implies value is created. The continual improvements in method (ie, productivity, wealth creation) merely maintain profits in a competitive environment; to do nothing would see their profits eaten away by competitors would could easily copy what they did and just undercut their prices.

The key to this is having managers who keep their workers focused. A good example is a story I heard second-hand about a football player for Minnesota Vikings in the 1970s. Coach Bud Grant called this marginal player into a meeting, and said, 'Here's what I need you to do...'. The player, an articulate fellow quite confident in himself, interrupted with an explanation of why he wasn't doing better and suggestions about how to correct it, mainly focused what others were doing wrong. Grant cut him off: 'You don't understand. This isn't a negotiation. Do what I'm telling you, and you have a role here. Otherwise, you don't.' Hierarchies only work well when people have clearly defined goals, and managers who manage their direct reports singlemindedly.

Private firms can do this much more quickly and often than government, and are rewarded with investment and retained earnings to the degree they do it well. When the government wants to do something, like build a light-rail system, it instead satisfies all its stakeholders who have no financial downside, only veto power, and so the cost/benefit calculus is almost irrelevant. The probability that benefits will outweigh costs when not prioritized is negligible, as highlighted by the fact that companies have to work very hard to make this positive when all those other considerations are ignored.

Thus, Minneapolis's light rail, at the cost of $1.1B for 12 miles of track, takes me longer to go downtown than a car because it stops 19 times at places no one wants to go because these 'hubs' were then sold as development opportunities, and an unusual number of ex-city councilmen are part owners of coffee shops and stores near these stops. Ridership does not even cover their marginal costs. It could have worked if they had an express train that went non-stop from end to end, but doesn't because it was not designed with the goal of making money, only the hope.

Good companies like Facebook, Apple and Google, have this sense of really understanding their users. Lots of simple things that making going to their sites and getting what you want. Their inferior competitors are relatively ugly, cluttered, and clunky. These generally weren't genius ideas like the ideas needed to create the first transistor, or Cantor's diagonal argument, in that there competitors had similar raw competence in these field, but it did take people looking to do things better than others, and decisive people who could empathize with their customers created really great things.

Robin Hanson had a neat article about the Myth of Creativity, where he criticizes Richard Florida's vision of bohemian lead productivity:

This is a Star Wars vision of innovation: "Feel the force, Luke; let go of your conscious self and act on instinct." And it is just as much a fantasy as that celluloid serial. Innovation is no more about releasing your inner bohemian than it is about holding hands, singing Kumbaya, and believing in innovation.

In truth, we don't need more suggestion boxes or more street mimes to fill people with a spirit of creativity. We instead need to better manage the flood of ideas we already have and to reward managers for actually executing them.

Sure, it's good to punish fraudsters, and be wary of the stupid ideas that were passed off as brilliant in the prior cycle (eg, Angelo Mozilo winning the American Banker's Lifetime Achievement Award in 2006, celebrated by politicians on the right and left, prized by Fannie Mae, and Harvard, is now an example of the 'unregulated predatory private sector'). But this is like learning not to put one's hand on a hot stove--good to know, but old news to most. Our priority at the top level should be to get out of the way, and so government should focus on its essential but limited perennial tasks as opposed to creating some new engine of growth. Leave that for the millions of people making sure millions of small changes are constantly made to daily procedures. Such changes do not require vision from politicians, subsidies, or tax breaks, but are rather the natural by product of people trying to make a buck. It's the standard Hayek/Friedman view of macroeconomics, and it's still the best description of how the complex adaptive system of our economy works.

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Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

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Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters noblesville surface encounters noblesville

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters surface encounters noblesville

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

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surface encounters macomb

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters michigan
surface encounters

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters noblesville
surface encounters macomb mi

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters michigan

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters macomb
surface encounters rock tops

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters
surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters macomb mi
surface encounters rock tops

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters
surface encounters michigan

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters macomb

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters michigan

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters michigan

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters macomb

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters michigan
surface encounters

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters macomb
surface encounters michigan

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters
surface encounters rock tops

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters
surface encounters noblesville

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

surface encounters noblesville
surface encounters noblesville

Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of Microsoft sells 8 million Kinects.

Juan Williams Reacts On Fox <b>News</b> To NPR Executive Ellen Weiss <b>...</b>

Juan Williams responded to the news that the NPR executive who handled his firing from that network, Ellen Weiss, has resigned. Weiss, who was NPR's senior vice president for news, resigned on Thursday after an independent review that ...

Helen Thomas Joins Falls Church <b>News</b>-Press |

Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has come out of a seven-month retirement to write a column for the Falls Church News-Press. Thomas was a.

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